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Audit Management

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Running a Full Audit

Available for user levels:

  • Account Adminstrator
  • Manager
  • Standard User

When running an audit, you can do this by clicking the light blue icon ‘Run Audit’ or you can run your audit via our MYAudits mobile app.

The steps to take for running a detailed Audit is:

  1. Select the Audit and click the Run button
  2. Add the Audit Date, Auditors and any Notes and click Run
  3. For each Criteria click the Criteria on the left and the you can view what is required in the right-hand pane
  4. Click the Response option and select the Response Pass, Fail etc
  5. Add any notes from the audit and if there are any pre-set Responses you can use these to populate the notes field
  6. Save the Response and then you can add Actions and Evidence
  7. Once you have completed the audit you can click the 'Complete Audit' button at the top of the page
  8. Select and overall outcome and record any notes or conclusion.